Monday, August 20, 2012

All That You Wanted To Know About Tonsillitis Treatment

It is important to remember that tonsils remain as a vital part of the immune system of your body. In fact, these are considered as the natural defense mechanism of the body against various infections. This is done by effective filtering of bacteria and various other micro organisms that may cause infections. It is not that any throat pain is tonsillitis. Also, when toxins fail to get flushed out from the skin, kidneys, or bowels, even that can cause tonsillitis.

It usually occurs along with a cold, cough, fever, sore throat, headache, as well as body ache. Due to some kind of viral or bacterial infection, the tonsils can get inflamed, leading to a medical condition known as tonsillitis. It is important to know the underlying cause in order to get the appropriate treatment for any medical condition. This would include home treatments besides some kind of oral medications. In serious or long term cases, surgery may also be done. The home remedies are able to provide adequate comfort to these tonsils without any kind of unpleasant side effects.

The home remedies for tonsillitis treatment include gargling. In this case, salt water is used as it is able to kill some of the infection. Doing gargling will help in washing out the pus and other infectious matter in the throat. Besides warm salt water, two tsp of onion juice or mixing dried leaves of Mint along with lukewarm water can also be used for gargling. Another option is to boil some bark of the Acacia arabica in water and then gargle with this concoction once it cools in order to ease the tonsils pain. One more remedy is in the form of mixing fresh ginger juice with honey in lukewarm water and then using it for gargling.

Other home remedies for tonsillitis treatment include digging out the pulp of the bitter tumbi fruit. Next, this kernel of the fruit is to be filled with water and then kept aside for a few hours. Each day, a little of this water is to be drunk in order to cure tonsillitis. Using mustard powder soaked in hot water can also help to rinse your throat in order to flush out the germs.

There are many drinks that can be taken to provide relief from this condition. The juice of 1 lemon taken along with 4 tsp of honey and a pinch of salt in a glass of warm water can be sipped throughout the day in order to provide relief from the pain at the back of the throat. It will also help to make swallowing easy.

A good form of tonsillitis treatment is to give relief to your throat. This would entail talking less during inflammation. At this time, spicy foods and acid drinks need to be avoided as these will irritate the throat still further. Also, curd, fried foods and all kinds of sour things need to be avoided. During tonsillitis, proper hygiene needs to be maintained as this will ensure a faster recovery.

Best Treatment Options - How To Remove Tonsil Stones

When you are looking for different solutions and methods of how to remove tonsil stones, there are a few things that can be done. Many people will find that they are most likely going to experience bad breath (halitosis) as a result of the stones, but other than that, there is not too much seriousness for medical attention or having to treat the stones, unless they progressively get worse. So, considering these treatment options might help you get rid of, or at least minimize, the frequency of the stones, which will help eliminate the bad breath that comes with them.

Using a q tip to swab at the back of your throat is one of the easiest ways to clean and remove the stones. You have to be gentle in doing so, but this is likely to get rid of a majority of the stones, and will help clear out the stones from the back of your throat. Another options is to use your finger, but in doing so, it has to be extremely clean, and you have to be very gentle, as the tonsils are gentle, and it will hurt if you apply too much pressure to the area.

Using a water pick is also a great way to eliminate tonsil stones. The pressure that the pick provides is greater than what you can get with the q tip or your finger, and since it is water that is applying the pressure, you can go with a more direct approach at clearing up the stones. Using your toothbrush and swabbing the area is also an easy way to loosen the stones, and by rinsing afterwards, you will find that this is also going to clear away a large portion of the stones that are found around the tonsils.

In the event you can't eliminate them on your own, you may want to consider visiting an ENT (ear nose and throat doctor), to determine if the problem is more severe than bad breath, and whether or not surgery has to be performed to remove the stones. So, if you are not able to get rid of them on your own, there is the possibility that the stones are a bit more severe than simply causing bad breath, and if it is a persistent problem, or something that is painful, you will want to visit a specialist to determine the next steps to taking care of the problem.

Regardless of which of these methods you use (or using a few of them), for most cases, these stones are not dangerous to your health, and are simply going to be an inconvenience due to the bad breath. So, if you are looking for the best, easiest, and quickest solutions on how to remove tonsil stones, these are some of the simple methods you can go about removing them. You do not need high tech equipment, and it is rather simple to get rid of the tonsil stones, if you know how to target them.